Community Guidelines
Welcome to the Class Choreography community in the app!
This is a space for you to ask questions, to explore new topics in the Pilates & Wellness industry, connect with our instructors & each other, as well as share feedback/insights pertaining to all things Class Choreography.
- We do have some suggestions for interacting with this feature, please read over these Community Guidelines, and know that they will be lovingly reinforced.
- The community page is a safe place for everyone to contribute with respect. Therefore, there will be no exclusionary/derogatory language or posts tolerated. Especially in relation to: gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, dis/abilities, ethnicity, cultural heritage, age, size, class and citizenship. If your post is deemed to violate these terms, it will be removed immediately.
- Permit yourself to have an open mind in regards to conversation. Speak from your own experience, and acknowledge that yours isn’t the only experience. Whenever possible, focus on uplifting and/or educating your community members with love and positivity.
- This page is primarily intended to reflect any and all discussion relating to Class Choreography’s content and general Pilates & Wellness discussions. Please refrain from sharing any irrelevant conversations that distract from focused discussion on these topics.
- On Wednesday of each week, the community page will be refreshed, clearing old posts/discussions, making room for new content and discourse, keeping the community board organized. If there is anything of importance you need documented for reference, we suggest taking screen shots before the content is erased. You can also email us if you think it would be valuable to all.
- Lastly, this page can be a resource for you. If you have a question or comment about a specific class on the site/spring setting/prop choice/modification/progression/general Pilates concept let’s discuss it here!
- Now, let's rejoice in community! We're so excited you're here.
Olivia & Page