What we offer
Our team of instructors create pilates class plans so you don't have to... our subscribers report saving 3 hours a week btw
We release new full class summaries & short blocks throughout the week. Each filmed in an outline so you can learn them quickly and get back to teaching (goodbye screen time)
Monday: Mat Movement
Wednesday: Apparatus
Friday: Franchise Friendly
Select the options best suited to your needs, rentals or subscriptions!
**Workshops sold separately
Meet the Contributor Team
Select the membership that suits your teaching schedule
more pricing options available at check out ;)
Check out our Bundles for Purchase
Want to join our team?
We're always looking for pilates instructors who love to create classes to join our contributor team! Click the button below to learn more about the audition process.

Continue your education with our workshops
Loads of workshops are becoming available regularly! Learn more about the pelvic floor, adapting for special populations and more. Inclusivity Part 1 + 2 are available for free
Frequently Asking Questions
What is included in the membership?
We have two types of memberships: All Access + Franchise Friendly
All Access:
We drop new content every Monday, Wednesday and Friday!
Mondays are for the Mat: we drop 2 Short Blocks or 1 Full Class Summary
Wednesday are for Apparatus we drop 1 Full Class Summary and 1 Short Block
Fridays are for Franchise Friendly: we drop 1 Full Class Summary and 1 Short Block
Full Class Summaries are around 15 minutes long and walk you through an outline of class from an instructors POV. Short Blocks are around 5 mins and walk you through an outline of a flow.
You'll find notes for class in the resource tab under each video.
Classes range from beginner to advanced from our contributor team from all over the world (literally)!
We release Jumpboard, Chair, Cadillac, Tower, Ladder Barrel regularly!
Access your membership from our website or download our app from the Apple App or Google Play Stores!
All of the class plan content is available in the All Access membership!
Franchise Friendly:
Every Friday at 9AM CST we drop one new Full Class Summary plus one new Short Block catered to studios with specific exercise restrictions!
Full Class Summaries are around 15 minutes long and walk you through an outline of class from an instructors POV. Short Blocks are around 5 mins and walk you through an outline of a flow.
You'll find notes for class in the resource tab under each video.
Classes range from beginner to advanced from our contributor team from all over the world (literally)!
Access your membership from our website or download our app from the Apple App or Google Play Stores!
Short Blocks are now available as Rentals!
How do I change my subscription?
If you'd like to change your subscription type (All Access, Franchise Friendly, Mat Movement, or Short Blocks Only), you will need to do that via the web browser website. Simply click on "Dashboard" then head to "Billing" to edit your subscription! You can pause, cancel or change the type of subscription you have.
Due to limitations in the app, you will not be able to make this change there. If you started your subscription in the app, you will have to cancel your subscription in the app and then sign up on the web site. We wish this was easier but its out of our hands, we are pilates people not tech people!
If you still have trouble, please email us at hello@classchoreography.com so we can better assist you!
Do you have an app?
Heck Yes. You can access our library of content via our website, iOS app or Android app!
Can I cancel any time?
Of course you can! Simply click on "Dashboard" then head to "Billing" to edit your subscription! You can pause, cancel or change the type of subscription you have. We are also here to answer you questions, please email us hello@classchoreography with any questions!
I'm interested in contributing my content
we are always on the look out for dedicated contributors to add to our team! please check out this link to learn more
Do you offer discounts for studio owners?
Yes! If you are looking to offer Class Choreography to your instructors we offer discounted pricing! Click here to learn more about Studio Pricing.
How do the rentals work?
You can now rent any of our short blocks! Use the search bar or filters to find what type of flow you are looking for, even select by spring! All rentals are $3.99 and are available for 48 hours from purchase.
Are workshops included in the memberships?
The workshops are not included in memberships! T
here are two workshops that we've made completely free, the Inclusive Cueing Workshop and the Inclusivity Part Two: a roadmap for change in the pilates industry
Our other workshops are purchased separately!
Why do I have to keep logging in?
We recently changed our site to only allow one device to be logged in at a time. Unfortunately too many users were sharing their passwords so we needed to make this change to protect our business.
The good news is this is simple for you; if you forget to logout after using the library, when you try to login you will be shown what device you are currently logged into. You'll be able to logout of that other device on that page and then enjoy your content right away.
We apologize for the inconvenience!
Class Plan on any screen!
Watch content where it works for you! Use the website or download our apps on iOS or Android Devices!